Just happen recently..... someone(must be one of those male players) just PM to me with this messing: "Hello Sir, may I ask U, sir".... And then I just came to ask myself: "What the...!? Why someone call me Sir?? I have no idea about who called me until he asked me some thing this: "Do U have mega stones sir?" That was what he wanted to ask. But the only thing was this, I'm a guy or what?? PLUS.... I'm happened to be female player here who have be playing game for almost two years and now call me SIR?! Ai, ai, ai...... AIYO!! How come happen to be me!? Only thing I relased something, my family name is called Kenjishine and I through it was good idea and simple at least it's easy to remember after all. Expect that some male players through I was a guy that's because Kenji happens to be a guys' name in Japanese. See.... I guess that these guys must have though by fishing thinking if I'm happened to play game at cyber cafe. Geez.... this had been common with me as I got used to it until now.. Why sir you may ask? Well.... who ask someone that I'm a guy. Oh well, it's just once out of the blue moon. Ha ha ha ha.... Wait till the GE girls willing to see this picture that I had took photo last week. X)
Here this picture I took it last week. I show you why is that: